By Sambit Chatterjee
Hello all !
In today’s busy life we always need to strike a balance between professional and personal life.This creates pressure on mind and as a result, problems gather in mind.A disturbed mind loses its momentum to move forward and life as a whole gets hampered.
It is very essential for our mind to get detoxified on regular basis.That means, the unwanted thoughts need to get removed from our thought process. It helps us to prepare our mind to generate fresh ideas.Those ideas create pathway for our progress
unwanted thoughts get gathered in our mind instead of being flushed out, depression creeps in.We lose our ability to think afresh.Negativity starts to emerge in our mind.All these create big hindrance in our personal and professional development.
AS per Vaastu Shastra, the zone which is in between West and North West, is responsible for detoxification of mind. Any kind of anti-activity or presence of anti-colour in this zone can lead to chronic depression.
Avoid any major clutter or junk to gather in this zone.Red colour must be avoided from this area.
If this zone is cut or extended, that should be properly addressed through proper application of suitable vastu remedies.Thus the zone shall be balanced and we can make our life more and more enjoyable.
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