Vaastu and Main Door

By Sambit Chatterjee
When we are talking about main door of a premises, then we are concerned about the main entrance.This is the entry point towards the premises and carries very much importance in Vaastu.
Well placed and constructed main door can ensure utmost good health, financial stability and family harmony in the house.
On the other hand,wrong placement of main door can bring in various problems in the life of the inhabitants of the place.
Let me explain the issue with a real life case study.A few months ago, Mr. A (name changed), a client of mine, approached me with some complaints over a seriously disturbing issue. It was about his younger brother, who lived in a separate place. Let us call this younger brother as Mr. B who was getting very aggressive and short tempered day by day.This was gradually becoming a serious issue as it was also damaging the image of Mr. B in his social circle.His family life was also getting spoiled because of his increasing unexpected bad attitude.
As I took the case,I collected some primary inputs about Mr B and his residence.I came to know the fact that Mr. B and his family had moved to this new home 4 months before.All the problems emerged after this.
One day, as per prior appointment, I visited Mr. B’s place and started to take some notes for Vaastu analysis purpose.I also took a floor plan of the flat that Mr. B and his family lived in.
When I was working on the floor plan, I gave special attention on the entry point to the flat.This was the main door of the property.It appeared to be placed on a wrong position.As per Vaastu terminology, it was E5 entrance.This type of entrance often becomes the cause behind unexplained and peculiar short temperedness of the inhabitants.
I suggested some remedies to virtually block the entrance as per Vaastu principles.I also asked Mr.B’s family to give me feedback on the result of the Vaastu correction after 3 weeks.
It was nearly 17-18 days after Mr.B’s son called me.He informed me that his father had been transformed to a completely different person.He is more patient as he was always before ( before moving to the new property).He was spending more quality time with his family members and his social life started to become healthy again.
There are 32 type of entrances as per Vaastu principles.Some of these entrances are good and beneficial.People who are living in those houses are enjoying healthy and happy life.On the other hand, there are some other type entrances which can create havoc in the life of the inhabitants.So, when any problem is detected in the house, it is always advised to take consultation of a Vaastu consultant and get it checked whether the trouble is due to wrong placement of the entry point.
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