By Sambit Chatterjee
Marriage is a social institution. It needs real bonding and adjustments for a happy and successful marriage.Two people live in a predesigned socially approved structure after getting married.These two people may be like minded or not.So, mutual expectations and adjustments play vital role for a successful long-lasting marriage.
Effect of Vaastu on marriage
What is Vaastu ?
‘“Vaastu” is a sanskrit word that has been derived from the word “Vaas” which means “ To live”.It means dwelling or a house with a plot of land.
Everything is made up of 5 basic elements :
If these basic elements get imbalance in any given atmosphere, that imbalance manifests itself with negativity, unwanted situations, problems etc.So, we have to always maintain these basic elements in balanced state to ensure harmony and prosperity in our living ambience.” Vaastu Shastra” is the ancient science which consists of the principles and rules to maintain this balance.
Vaastu and Relationship
We, human beings are social animal. We live in the structured social ambience to ensure harmony for greater interest of the society.So, it is very important to ensure harmonious relationship in that structured environment. Our dwelling place plays very vital role behind this through its various components.
Any given space can be divided into 16 Vastu zones for analysis purpose. South West Vastu zone plays chief role in maintaining healthy relationship in a family.So, it is very essential to strengthen ans balance South-West direction first in a house where any newly married couple has started to live. We have to look for any anti element, anti colour and remove those from this direction to ensure proper balance.
Vaastu can be applied in this context in the following cases :
For newly married couple
In a house where girls or boys of marriageable age reside
Couple expecting a child
Any house where frequent clash between couple is seen
For newly married couple
It is very essential for a newly married couple to be understanding with each other.Sometimes, it has been observed that a girl and a boy have married each other after years long successful love relationship. But, unexpectedly,after marriage,they start to fight with each other.Here, if we analyse Vastu of the house where the couple started to live after marriage, we can find out the real cause behind this type of unexpected situation.
Case study
This incident is about one of my clients.I knew the boy(say,his name is A) from long before his marriage. He was a nice boy,earning quite handsomely from corporate jobs.. He had an affair with a girl(say, her name is B) for 4 years.Both the family liked each other and they did not have any problem regarding the marriage of A and B.So, it was merely a matter of time. Eventually that time came and A and B tied the knot in a gorgeous ceremony. Both the family were very happy.
It was nearly after 3 months I met the boy.It was an afternoon nad I was working in my office and A came to meet me. I noticed some unusual behaviour in his approach.He was very outspoken person as far as I knew him.But, that day,his talking,attitude everything was way different.It seemed that he was thinking about something on his mind but could not express it properly.
“ See, you only remember me when you only have a problem”, I tried to make the situation lighter to make him easy.He looked at me and said, “ Nothing is right now since the marriage has happened “.
“Tell me in detail”, I asked him.
Then he spoke for nearly half an hour.
A and B had moved to a new flat after their marriage.This was a flat A’s father bought a few years ago.It was empty and the newly wed couple decided to begin their married life in that flat.
After 1 week of their shifting, A was always looking for mistakes in B’s works.He knew this girl for so many years.But, suddenly it was quite unexpectable for B to be treated this way by A.She also started to find A as arrogant and dominating.They fought over petty issues.Overall, they could not enjoy being together and it was always full of tensions and hard arguments between the duo.
I decided to visit the residence of the couple.It was a medium sized flat. Apparently, the flat was very nicely decorated.
I took a floor plan of the flat from A, collected some information and had some important points discussed with A & B together.After my work was over there, I left the flat.
While working on the floor plan,Isaw that there was a huge cut in south west portion of the flat.The zonal strength of the portion was also very low.I made a detailed Vastu Analysis Report on the property and called the couple at my office the next day.
I suggested some easy to implement remedies for them.South West, being the zone responsible forfamily relationship,is very vital for newly wed couple.So, I suggested remedies to strengthen and balance this zone.I further helped them in the remedies implementation process.
After approximately 3 weeks, both A and B came to my office in an evening.Both of them thanked me as A has understood his faults and said sorry to B.They were planning for an outing to Goa.
Vaastu for marriageable boys and girls
It is very important to implement Vastu Shastra norms in young boy’s’/ girl’s room.In many cases it has been observed that Vastu faults are the vital reason behind delay in marriage.So, let us look for the directions which need special attention in this context :
East direction is responsible for new connections.As marriage proposals are based on successful new connections, it is very important to balance this direction for making new successful connections.
As per Vaastu principle,the South East is the direction associated with Fire. Marriage is accomplished with rituals involving the sacred fire.So, it is very important to strengthen and balance South East Vastu zone for a successful marriage to take place.
According to Vaastu rules, North of North West direction is associated with conjugal attraction. So, it is very essential for this direction to be balanced and clutter free for successful marital life.
It is great when positive vibes make our life blessed. Vaastu is the tool which helps us to ensure this blessing come towards our life to make it more prosperous and fulfilled.
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